Our Mission

Our goal is to intervene in situations of human trafficking and provide relief for those vulnerable to it. Often this relief will be provided by partners in the areas that we are working with. We will be facilitating trips to visit these areas. Mission trips will support sustainability by creating infrastructure in which we can sell hand-made products and other items. Raise visibility by creating content to promote awareness.

We will accomplish this goal by reaching out to the lives of women and children that have been impacted by poverty, abuse and trafficking. We will provide basic needs (clothing, food and medicine) then provide education and opportunities for these people to move beyond the crisis state into a sustainable occupation.

Dare For More

Our goal in partnering with Dare for More is to create an arm of prevention and intervention for women who are impacted by trafficking, abuse and poverty. We will be stepping in to give each woman the opportunity to heal, grow and build sustainable lives for them and their children.

Learn More About Dare For More

There are several ways you can support us!


That God will provide the funding and ability to fulfill our calling for His Glory.

For Family Unity as we transition into a missions life.

God will connect us with individuals that we can help.


Help us by providing a one time gift!

This will help us stock up cost and unexpected expenditures that are related to our mission of providing relief.


By providing a monthly gift, our partners can enable us to work full time as Directors of Global Sustainability for Dare For More.

Pure and undefiled religion is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

James 1 :27


"...But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

Joshua 24:15